Putting together these images, looking back at them, I remember how sweet it was to see them, how much these birthday mornings still give me pleasure and comfort. This comfort is something of which, for one reason and another, including the hugely positive rites of passage of #1 son’s high school graduation and very successful first job, I seem to have been in particular need this past year. Maybe they are so comforting because I remember being out on the road last year, remember having these gifts and then “losing” them, and now, like my birthday, they were back: calm and beautiful and waiting no matter what kind of drama or uncertainty might be going on in my head or my life.
And, there is something I find comforting about being alone outside in nature, something that, mysteriously, comes to mind when I think about feeling, in that large and non-exclusive way, loved. I’m not sure exactly how this solitary experience can be related to something we ordinarily think of as interpersonal (love), but there it is. Maybe it has to do with nature's gratuity: as with my birthday, riches are lavished on me unconditionally; I did nothing to deserve any of it.
On a bit of a tangent, I wanted to mention an amazingly pithy book that a friend recently lent me entitled, succinctly enough, How to Be an Adult in which the author, David Richo, talks about connections between nature, beauty, and love. And while we’re wandering a bit afield, but really not completely away, I also wanted to offer this link to some music that describes, with sound, some of the feelings that my wanderings and the images in this post have evoked for me. It’s quite overtly religious, yet I think it speaks to the heart, regardless of what your beliefs might be.http://youtu.be/S7VPSlItRj4
I hope these offerings inspire you to seek out the gifts—birthday or otherwise—that the world offers if only we are awake to receive them.
Pure Morning