Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day Two, TWWS

Tuesday 25 May 2010. Started about the same time as yesterday. Today I used the mountain bike we’d gotten for for my older son. It was, indeed, more comfortable than my “retirement” bike from the standpoint of distributing exertion—my back and hips felt much better—but I’m not used to the seat.

Made a loop of Meadowbrook again. The weather was similar to yesterday, pleasantly cool and moist, but almost no mist on the ground, and the clouds in the sunrise were less dramatic than yesterday—like the mountain had broken up. The rays of glory were there again, nicely.

Decided to head east on Windsor Road. It seemed like a mistake right away, though, because construction was in progress—both lanes on one side of the road. Fortunately the traffic was very light. Another reason not to be on Windsor Road was all of the development, “Stone Creek.” Across Rte. 130 was finally the countryside, fields and farmhouses, but I’d never been there before and wondered about dogs. What did my friend Holly say to do when a dog chased you? Get small? Get big? Oh, yes, talk to it in a high pitched, sing-song voice, like to a baby. So when I passed a house, I practiced, “Hi, you good doggie! You are such a sweet dog! Oh, you are just such a sweet good doggie!...” Fortunately, I didn't have to test it out.

Made it to Cottonwood Drive and turned left in search of Washington Street. The fields were dotted with Golden Alexanders, which must be annual and bird pollinated from their random pattern of distribution.

On the way back down Washington St. I waved to Coach Searing from cross country, who was running east. Passing Prairie School, I wondered what the hidden prairie looked like at this time of year. The mountain bike took the mowed grass on the way to the prairie ok, but lo and behold that heart rate finally did go up. At the pond there was not much obvious action, didn’t stay long but caught a bullfrog singing.

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